Sabaki no trap hentai
Sabaki no trap hentai

She can push her opponent through several buildings, each feat with minimal effort from a single hand.

sabaki no trap hentai

The Power (力 (ザ・パワー), Za Pawā Japanese for " Power"): Meninas possesses superhuman strength, allowing her to punch opponents with tremendous force and pick up and throw large buildings with ease. Later, Giselle asks Liltotto what happened to Meninas, and Liltotto responds that she dealt with her, although she shouldn't be dead. PePe then proceeds to take control of Meninas' emotions as well, making her enlarge her arm and hit Liltotto. She then watches as Shūhei Hisagi, under PePe's influence, comes and attacks the captain. Meninas comments on how appropriate it is that only the two of them would prove strong enough to endure the battle and, hearing Liltotto wonder where PePe went, states PePe is disgusting. Ħth Division Captain Byakuya Kuchiki quickly dispatches three of the Sternritter, leaving only Meninas and Liltotto standing. Soon afterward, Meninas activates her Quincy: Vollständig and rushes toward the Shinigami alongside the other Sternritter, who have activated theirs as well. Later, she looks on as several more Shinigami confront the Sternritter. After Ichigo learns of Yhwach's plan, he attempts to intercept him, but Meninas drives him through several buildings before noting the Sternritter will not simply let him leave. However, after PePe Waccabrada, NaNaNa Najahkoop, and Robert Accutrone arrive, Meninas gets up and prepares to fight Ichigo 8-on-1. Soon afterward, Bazz-B appears and pierces the four girls with Burner Finger 1. However, when Candice points out how Yhwach will surely grant her wishes if she kills Ichigo, Meninas envisions expensive furnishings as her wish. Upon noticing Candice has activated her Quincy: Vollständig, Meninas notes they do not need to slaughter Ichigo just because he is annoying. After moving away to avoid Candice's subsequent blast of electricity, Meninas states Ichigo gets on her nerves. When Ichigo effortlessly repels the Heilig Pfeil of all four Sternritter, resulting in a powerful explosion, Meninas crashes into Giselle and Candice, followed by Liltotto. Meninas attacks Ichigo by driving him through a building. After Ichigo withstands Candice's Galvano Blast, Meninas summons her bow and prepares to fight him alongside the other Sternritter. Meninas wonders who Ichigo is, and is shocked when Liltotto notes he is a Special War Power. After Ichigo throws Candice into a building, Giselle, Liltotto, and Meninas attack him, but Ichigo dodges their attacks and throws them into buildings as well. She and the others watch as the individual smashes through a tower, leaving Meninas and the others dumbstruck and questioning how the individual went down with the tower, but are then surprised when Ichigo Kurosaki appears behind them. Meninas carries a large building into the air.Īs Meninas and the others feel the Reiatsu of the individual falling from the sky, they turn around and look above. After punching Kenpachi into the ground with tremendous force, Meninas crushes several unseated Shinigami with a large building, and soon after discusses how Kenpachi should die with Candice, Liltotto, and Giselle before expressing surprise when an explosion occurs in the air above them. She and the others later confront 11th Division Captain Kenpachi Zaraki after he defeats Gremmy Thoumeaux. After Bambietta is defeated by Captain Sajin Komamura, Meninas along with the other three members of her group approach the defeated Sternritter. Later, after the Wandenreich invades the Seireitei once more, Meninas notes Bambietta is using her Quincy: Vollständig, prompting Liltotto to state Bambietta was already mad at them because they vanished. Meninas and the group approach Bambietta.Īfter Bambietta Basterbine kills a Wandenreich soldier, Meninas, Liltotto, Candice, and Giselle enter her room, with Meninas telling Bambietta she could have at least killed the man outside. She finds PePe Waccabrada to be a disgusting man.

sabaki no trap hentai

Like other Sternritter members, Meninas is loyal to Yhwach and is willing to attack Ichigo Kurosaki to prevent him from reaching her leader and interfering with his plans. Her attire is a variation of the Sternritter's typical white uniform, consisting of a frilled skirt, frilled gloves, frilled boots, leggings, a belt with a heart-shaped buckle, a large purple bow with a white Wandenreich symbol around her neck, and a white cap with gold trimmings, which features a black peak and the Wandenreich insignia emblazoned on its front, turned sideways. She is light-skinned with long wavy pink hair and short bangs that frame her forehead and green eyes. Meninas is a tall and well-endowed girl of slender build.

Sabaki no trap hentai