Melodic minor
Melodic minor

melodic minor

With a high A string we can now span 4 octaves in a single position, on top of this the chordal possiblities are amazing. To me this unlocks many more possiblities than an additional low string. Going one lower AND one HIGHER made much more sense. For me, a low B or even drop A provides all the low end I could ever need, on top of this, I don’t have a really long scale length and fretboard to deal with. While I like low F# 8 string music I’ve never been a fan of playing those guitars myself. I have a fanned fret guitar with a 26 to 23 inch scale length so my guitar was specifically built for this tuning.


We’ll also touch on the Pentatonics of Melodic Minor and how to find them within each mode of this scale. In this lesson we’re going to look at the Melodic Minor Modes using an alternative tuning for 8 string guitar. Notice the sixth and seventh degrees are raised: The melodic minor scale in E is shown below played descending.High A tuning? What is this mysterious extra high string you speak of? That’s not a proper 8 string guitar! An extra high string? We’ve heard it all. Notice the 7th degree of the scale was raised from D to D#.īelow is the melodic minor scale in E played ascending. Harmonic Minor Scale in Eīelow is the harmonic minor scale in E. In addition, notice that both these keys have the same key signature: the F# note. That is, G major is the relative major of E minor and E minor is the relative minor of G Major. Therefore, these two keys are relative to each other. Notice that the notes of the natural minor scale in E are the same as the notes of the G major scale. If we start this scale on its 6th degree (note E) and play to the next E (an octave higher), we create the natural minor scale in E. Natural Minor Scale in Eīelow is the G major scale. Let’s look at another example of these 3 minor scales. In other words, the melodic scale descending is exactly played like the natural minor scale.īelow is the complete melodic minor scale in A: Notice that the raised 6th and 7th that were played ascending are cancelled when playing the scale descending. Melodic Minor Scaleīelow is the melodic minor scale in A played descending (going down in pitch). This creates a strong pull from G# to A without the augmented second. Notice that the sixth and seventh degrees are raised. Below is the melodic minor scale in A played ascending (going up in pitch). Because of this, the melodic minor scale was devised. The augmented second has a distinctive character. The scale which demonstrates this is the harmonic minor scale. This creates a stronger resolution to the key note (tonic). The seventh note (leading note) of the minor scale is often sharpened in a piece of music in a minor key.

melodic minor

In addition, notice that both these keys have the same key signature: no sharps and no flats. That is, C major is the relative major of A minor and A minor is the relative minor of C Major. Notice that the notes of the A natural minor scale are the same as the notes of the C major scale. If we start this scale on its 6th degree (note A) and play to the next A (an octave higher), we create the A natural minor scale. If you begin the major scale on the 6th degree, and play all notes of the scale from there to an octave higher, you create the natural minor scale. Before reading on, if you do not know how to read music comfortably, I would first suggest reading this article to get the basics.

melodic minor

However, they are actually very easy to comprehend if you can see their relation to the major scale. The natural minor scale, harmonic minor scale and melodic minor scale may at first seem complicated to understand.

Melodic minor